Too small

Browser needs to be wider!


These guidelines have been created by the Barbican Studio, which is the in-house design team at the Barbican Centre, London. The Studio creates most of the visual material for the Centre. It is based in the Marketing Department and consists of four permanent designers.

The current structure of the design team was created in 2011 and coincides with a major rebranding project undertaken by North. The philosophy of the team is based on the visual guidelines North created at the time. These set out a flexible system influenced by the Centre’s vision of ‘arts without boundaries’ and includes strong visual elements that allow freedom and diversity.

For further information contact



Make every moment count

Our voice isn’t just for advertising headlines or posters.

Even the smallest piece of writing is an opportunity to show people what kind of organisation we are.

Take a look at this heading:
Barbican Venue Hire

It’s accurate. It’s easy-to-read. But it’s not likely to inspire anyone into choosing one of our spaces.

So whether it’s a heading in a brochure or a website cookie message, we need to make sure our writing works as hard as possible.

Turn up the passion